While the full feature film is edited, we wanted everyone to have just a taste of what is coming with "Vengeance Turns: The Motion Picture"! The final look of the film will be somewhat different, since we are still in the process of making those decisions, but this trailer definitely gives you the idea of what will be slamming against screens in Spring of 2021!
Written and Directed by Robert Christopher Smith
Based on Original Screenplay by Robert Christopher Smith & Amanda Fry
Filmed by Mr. David Ruano
Paola Luelmo as Rebecca/Mia Falcon
Azeem Vecchio as Simon Coletrain
VISIT and SHARE our IMDB Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6533448/
Visit our store at https://vengeanceturns.bigcartel.com/
Visit our website to stay up to date on ALL new vids, trailers, merchandise and more at http://www.VengeanceTurns.com